Project Milestones
-Prototypes on prototypes
-All elements should be pretty clear. From this point mostly small modifications.
-Begin to wrap up art history research.
-Final objects are arriving and I'm able to use them in testing.
-Collect reactions to the final version of the game.
-Finish up documentation website
-We never stop playtesting. Ever.
-Finish writing cards, instruction booklet, etc.
-Complete Game Prototype
-Tested with new eyes.
-Begin Fabrication and quality testing
Feel godly with a board game I created and present it and stuff.
Semester Timeline
01/19 - Week 1
First class of the semester
Let's get crazy.
02/02 - Week 3
30% Mark
Prototyping and Playtesting: endgames and characters
Organize research and begin to wrap up
Refine Point System
First Mentor Check-In
02/16 - Week 5
Playtesting and Revision
Finish Writing Cards, instructions, etc.
Begin to implement design choices
Begin to playtest design elements
03/02 - Week 7
Playtest w/ design elements implemented
Get cards proofread in at Writing Resource Center
Quality Testing
03/16 - Week 9
90% Mark
Finalize Documentation Website
Last Mentor Check-in
Hopefully things arrive and I can get more player reactions to final version of the game.
01/26 - Week 2
Paper Prototypes
First rounds of Playtesting
Refined Timeline
02/09 - Week 4
Find new eyes for playtesting
Rules and Gameplay should be pretty solidified at this point
Begin development on game objects
02/23 - Week 6
50% Mark
New Player Playtesting
Complete Game Prototype
Continuation of implementation of design elements (test).
Begin Fabrication
Second Mentor Check-In
03/09 - Week 8
Order Final Products
Finalize fabrication
Record people playing final version of game
03/23 - Week 10
Last Week
Game is "packaged" and ready to go.
Collecting last of player reactions.